"Kibō Nobori," which translates to "hope flags" in Japanese, is an ongoing series Faith-Ann created, inspired by the traditional koi fish flags (called “koi nobori'“) flown on Children’s Day in Japan and it is her first flag series in honor of her Japanese-American heritage and sentiments as a mother.
To coincide with this art series, she created a vibrant, hopeful, family-friendly outdoor festival, in Little Tokyo, with her partners Terasaki Budokan and co-mrkt. Each year, on the first Saturday of May in Little Tokyo, there is a full day of programming to celebrate Children’s Day, Japanese and AAPI art, creativity, community & culture.
co-mrkt’s curated marketplace features talented local AAPI artists, creatives and makers with goods for purchase, and Faith-Ann curates a mix of performances, including taiko drumming, traditional Japanese folk dance (odori), as well as musicians such as Ryoji + Friends and The Ondo Dance Groove.
The event attracts 2,500+ people each May and is now an annual celebration. As Little Tokyo is a sacred historical place in Los Angeles, Faith-Ann is dedicated to bringing youthful energy, joy, talent, and hope to the community in Little Tokyo each year.